Umbria travel advice

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Map of Umbria, Italy

Antique map of Umbria

Here’s an interactive map of Tuscany with links to the best websites for many of the most interesting cities, towns, villages and sights of Tuscany.

Sibylline Mountains (Monti Sibillini) in Umbria

Sibylline Mountains Umbria

Castelluccio di Norcia is a small high-country village situated in the the Sibylline Mountains (Monti Sibillini) of Umbria. The geomorphology is dominated by U-shaped valleys and glacial plains formed by huge glaciers during the last ice age. The attraction of these high altitude valleys is the “Fiorita” or “Fioritura” (the Flowering) of Castelluccio di Norcia. Between the end of May and the beginning of July of each year, the plains change colour as millions of flowering plants burst into bloom.

Tuscany Travel Websites

Best Tuscany travel web sites

Best travel web sites for Tuscany – sights, events, activities vacation accommodations, tours, wine tasting, art and archtecture, history of Tuscany.